Sunday, August 8, 2010


On Tuesday, Peanut Snake will be getting on the Harry Potter train and travelling to that magical kingdom that is the East Neuk. There, we'll be helping with painting, building things and moving stuff around until it looks cool, all in preparation for the inaugural Haarfest, a one-week festival of arts and music, running from the 16th to the 21st of August, and put together by that Fence Records lot. There are very likely to be good times, and Fence are just about ready to roll them - hurrah!

You can see the full line-up and so forth here.

There's music every evening (including WITHERED HAND!!!!) and workshops, walks and weirdness in the daytimes.

Peanut Snake should have been all over this like a badly-pitched tent in a thunderstorm, but moving premises has sadly interfered with production-line efficiency - however, there's still a tiiiiiny chance that you might be able to pick up a Peanut Snake patch, or a hand-painted Hardsparrow Sea Tractor 7".

What is for sure is that:

(i) there will be a very real risk of a painful and ill-advised Hardsparrow set at some point in the week;
(ii) there will be some vinyl paintings/doodlings by Pual N on display (see example below);
(iii) Peanut Snake will be hosting a workshop on Saturday 21st!

The workshop has been titled GOOGLEY-EYE DIY. The idea is that there will be a brief beachcomb at the start of the workshop, then we will retreat and, with the generous application of googley-eyes, create the sort of tourist-souvenir monstrosities you'll wish you had forgotten ever existed. In fact, if I can get hold of some whole walnut shells, then the title of the workshop will instantly be updated to "Googley Eye For the Walnut Guy".

Materials will be provided. Upwards of £4 GBP has been spent on googley eyes for this. I'm not messing about.

The original idea was to do a t-shirt modification workshop, however, this seemed a bit potentially complex given time constraints. BUT, I'm still bringing the gubbins for that, fabric paints, stencilling stuff and so on, so if folk have t-shirts, ties or tea towels that could do with jazzing up, then they should bring them along too - and we'll get them eyes googling!

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